Death to Resurrection!

"Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw  some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life."

Revelations 2:10

For our Easter Sunday meeting this past weekend we discussed "Death" and "Resurrection" process... Very cliche, I know, but one thing that God truly highlighted during this meeting that we wanted to share with you guys was that true resurrection comes when you actually walk out your resurrection. 

Resurrection is a choice, it is not something that just "happens." Sometimes you will not even "feel good" during your season of resurrection after being brought to the cross, however, it is the choice to walk out the vision and life God has given you at the moment to die and resurrect anew - it is by His might and power that we walk out this path ahead of us despite the trials we face. 

Paul puts it very plainly in many of his letters to the church dictating how much he suffered and every price he paid for the call on his life. Yet, he counted it all joy that he suffered for Christ's sake and not for himself or the world - and let's be real here, Paul literally died and resurrected a couple of times, he knew what it meant to walk out a resurrection. 

Prophet of God, the Lord is calling you to live in this season ahead of you and you need to make the choice to throw off your grave clothes, wash the ashes from your head and go minister to God's people. They need the message God has placed on your heart and you do not have time to wallow in the tomb any longer. 

It is time to face those that stoned you, but with love, bringing to them the salvation and healing God has for them, and it starts with a choice to lay aside your offense and hurts at the altar. 

So for this week ahead, we would like to give you a project: 

Step 1: Notice - Make a note of where people, circumstances and the enemy really irritated you and why 

Step 2: Identify - What was highlighted in these situations you faced? Was it a strength, weakness, doctrinal belief, character trait, etc? 

Step 3: Take On - Now, seek the Lord about what He is actually trying to bring to death in you in each of these situations, then make that choice to let it die and give God control over that area 

Step 4: Walk it Out - Walk out that death and allow the Lord to resurrect you anew. Every time that weakness is highlighted again realize that it is already dead, take a breath, come to peace, submit yourself to the Lord thanking Him that it is already dead and then step out in faith knowing the Lord has done a work in you and you are no longer that same person. 

We recommend working with your trainer for this project and speaking to them about what you feel the Lord is bringing to death in your and your life as they will have a view of what you are facing that you do not see and will be able to better help you identify what you are facing. 

Let's walk out this season ahead of you in life, knowing that resurrection is right around the corner and it is for you to walk it out! 

With Much Joy and Blessing,

Michael & Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

AMI Prophetic School Principals

Apostolic Movement International 


Are You Facing Your Trials?!


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