October 25-27, 2019 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to the journey of a lifetime. My name is Apostle Nathan Berry and I am here to tell you that your work was not in vain! Standing on the edge of Apostolic Office, it is easy to remember your journey and each one of the circumstances that brought you here!

You learned to submit under Saul and dodge javelins like an Olympian! You blazed the trail first and came out with some pretty good scars. You built many relationships and lost twice as much.

The journey you have walked is definitely not for everyone but is it enough to make the transition to Apostolic Office, or was it all just character building preparation?

Come and discover what the Lord has for you at this workshop and learn the answer to all of the questions you have had about your apostolic training.

As the highest ranking officer in the fivefold offices, God has called each apostle to carry an incredible anointing and mandate.

However, knowing where you have been and knowing what the Lord needs you to do are two VERY different things.


During this workshop, we will bust open the myths and facts of what it truly means to stand in apostolic office and cover topics, such as:

  • Making Apostolic Teams Work For You!

  • The Reality of Your Apostolic Journey

  • Qualifications and Hindrances to Apostolic Office

  • Apostles and Prophets - We Need Each Other

  • The Next Step in Your Apostolic Process

Get connected with experienced, like-minded leaders from around the world and leave with more wisdom, knowledge, and revelation than years of walking the journey alone could offer.

We want to see you there and we want to support you in your transition to Apostolic Office, so get your seat today and clear your schedule for this workshop!

Apostles Lionel & Jasmine Blair - Imperial Kingdom Apostolic Movement, Inc.


Apostles Lionel & Jasmine Blair

The mighty men! With the incredible wisdom and anointing of a teacher and the sharp accurate words of a prophet, Apostles Lionel & Jasmine Blair carry their cross with pride as they walk out their apostolic call side by side with Apostles Craig and Colette Toach.

Having the heart and love to be spiritual parents and the strength to shake the religious system, this amazing couple sit under the covering of Apostles Craig and Colette as spiritual children and stand under the authority of God as leaders of their own ministry.

They are the founders of Imperial Kingdom Apostolic Movement, Inc. in Virginia. They are solely responsible for hosting the Transition to Apostolic Office workshop in their home state! It is because of them that we are able to gather together under the same roof and see the Lord move! You can bet they have the same DNA as their spiritual parents and they are taking their place in spearheading this movement.

If you have any questions about lodging, transportation, airports, and where the best food in town is, you are going to want to speak with them! Get in touch, get acquainted, and get ready because we will be pouring out apostolic fire in Virginia this October.

Apostles Craig & Colette Toach - Toach Ministries International


Apostles Craig & Colette Toach

Usually, the Lord sends out Americans to go and minister to the African nations. Well this time the Lord is bringing the South African nation to minister to you!

With over 20 years of experience in ministry, spiritual parenting, and christian business dynamics, Apostles Craig and Colette Toach have been serving the Lord diligently to fulfill the mandate He has placed on their lives.

That mandate is to walk the road ahead and to train up other leaders to not only walk behind in their own footsteps but to teach Apostles and Fivefold Ministers alike, to walk out their own road and calling that God has given them.

Having started their very own Prophetic School in 1999 and publishing over 30 books between the two of them, these powerfully anointed leaders are well rounded in spiritual, practical, and fundamental training and experience.

Author, Mother, Apostle, and co-leader of ministries around the world, Apostle Colette carries the Sword of the Spirit in one hand and a trowel in the other. With a no nonsense attitude she and her team build on the business aspect of the ministry and call those systems into line according to the will of God! You will know her by her fire but you will remember her by the practical steps and anointing she brings!

Spiritual father, apostolic covering, and leader of the the ministry team of A.M.I., Apostle Craig stands in the gap and lays down the foundation in the spirit long before it happens in the natural. He and his team pray day and night and take on the responsibility of the state of the church. With tongues of fire and decrees straight from the Lord you can be sure that he and his team tread where angels fear to go. When he stands up to speak there is no question that God the father is speaking through him.

Standing separate as apostles in their own right and together as husband and wife, Apostles Craig and Colette blend together the aspects of ministry, marriage, and family into one beautiful structure. Save your seat today and meet them live in Virginia where you can pick their brain about nearly every topic and receive an impartation of their knowledge!


New Covenant Life Kingdom Community
820 Greenbrier Circle Suite 11
Chesapeake, VA 23320


Friday, October 25 - 6:30pm EST

Saturday, October 26 - 10am EST
Saturday, October 26 - 5pm EST

Sunday, October 27 - 10am EST
Sunday, October 27 - 5pm EST

*Times are subject to change


Let's Work on Our Relationship!


Anointing The Prophetic Warriors!