A Very Merry! Prophetic Christmas!

Guys... It is my most favorite time of the year... It's "Prophet Season!"

Yes, Christmas is also one of my favorite things about this time of the year but to put it simply... "Prophet Season" is a season of celebrating the uniqueness that is who we are. A "crazy" Prophet (but you and I both know, we are not "really" crazy) - one who is hopelessly in love with Jesus, and has a desire to see Him at the center of attention no matter where we go!

It is a season where, we as prophets, get to put our all into celebrating Jesus and we are not looked at weirdly for our passions. It is also the one time of the year where we get to "let loose" a little and tell everyone we know (and don't know) about who Jesus is. Again... it is socially acceptable!

This is also the season where we get a lot of new students because, at the end of the day, we are all looking for a place to belong.

If I can be so bold to say, here at the Prophetic School - we get you, we get your story, where you have come from, and why you have that fiery passion built up inside of you. But most importantly we want to give you that place to belong!

I want to invite you to become a part of our family, to come in from the cold, and discover the joys of being surrounded by others like you. You are not alone in this season - whether you are in Europe, Africa, Asia or in the Americas you are a part of a family of crazy, passionate and fiery prophets!

Every one of us has a piece of the puzzle, and individually it may look and sound very odd. But when these pieces are brought together - your sisters next door and your brothers from down the street, you will begin to see there is a rather large and gorgeous picture at play.


So, I want you to know - you are awesome, do not let that fire of yours be quenched (in fact, give me a call, maybe I can help fan it!). You are not alone, there is a whole world of other Prophets here waiting to welcome you as part of our family! Join the FAMILY - www.prophetic-school.com/

With Much Joy and Blessing, your AMI Prophetic School Family!

Michael & Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
School Principals & Prophets
AMI Prophetic School


Gathering of God's Generals


Let's Work on Our Relationship!