Major Updates and Upgrades - Full Steam Ahead!!

Major Updates and Upgrades! by Colette Toach
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The AMI Prophetic School

Presents: "Prophetic Realities"

Major Updates and Upgrades - Full Steam Ahead!!

By: Colette Toach 
Dear AMI Students,

I taught the first version of our prophetic school in the year 2000! Three versions and a number of years later and you get what you see today. Isn't it poetic (prophetic? poetic?) that we go through another evolution in 2020?

With the launch of our 3rd module, we are diving into the deep with a fresh look, fresh system, and above all... RAISING UP PROPHETS FOR TODAY!

Our goal has always been to get you equipped to do the work of God. From written lessons to video lessons and now live lectures, we keep pushing the envelope to reach YOU, in every country and with every media at our disposal.
"Man guys... I am no longer the 26-year-old young lady that wrote the first version of our school. I have become... shall I say... mature like a good wine? :) Watching every single one of you rise up has exceeded my expectations of over 20 years ago!"
Colette Toach Preaching Prophetic Child in the year 1999 Age 25
Deborah-Anne Velthuysen Preaching the Todays Prophet course year 2020
My first motivation to keep pressing into the things of God has been my passionate love for Jesus. My second motivation has always been you! Your passion and hunger for your call are contagious! 

You might not know it, but there are some on this list who have followed me since your Principal was a goofy prophetic child, upsetting everyone with her matter of fact, black and white expression. (I totally just pulled the "Mom" card on you Deborah-Anne!)

So how about you stick with me a little more and allow me to lay out some of the major upgrades? 


Date When These Upgrades Will Take Effect: 1st October 2020

Celebrating the Launch of our Third Module!

We are well underway with the first 3 lessons of our third module! Below are the new courses scheduled for this module:

1. Today's Prophet, by Prophet Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
2. Prophetic Prayer, by Prophet Dalton Beckering
3. Prophetic Praise and Worship, by Apostle Craig Toach
4. Prophetic Maturity based on Power Duo: Apostle and Prophet, by Apostle Nathan Berry

These courses are specifically taught for those who have completed the first two modules and are already in the prophetic office. Practical, to the point, and designed to get you flourishing in your ministry TODAY, every course will add the practical tools to your toolbelt for ministry. 

How Does This Affect Student Fees?
Of course, everyone asks the money question! We have tried to keep the fees as simple as possible and you are welcome to view the new structure here:
"Do I have to Complete the Third Module?"
Not at all! You are welcome to graduate with a Bachelors's degree upon completion of the second module. However, if you intend to work with a pastor, get involved in ministry, or work with an apostle once you reach office, then we highly recommend it.
Rearrangement of Bachelor and Master's Degree

With the addition of our third module, we are shifting around our degrees. You can view those changes here


Upgraded Student Lounge!

It's ok to say it guys... the prophetic lounge we have sucks. Just saying what you are all thinking. The design and user-friendliness have needed an upgrade for years. We have finally settled on a system called Teachable and if you want to check out some of its features ahead of time, go ahead to to see what we will be using.
Restructuring of Trainer Allocations and More "Principal Facetime!"
As we continue to evolve, the more we realize just how much new students need more ministry and sometimes if I can just tell you it plainly, some pastoring. When students find us, more often than not, they come with hurt, confusion, and frustration.

More than just training, they need a "go-to" person to help them separate their call from their process. So to assist new students we are making the following change to trainer allocations.

From 1st October, students will only be allocated a trainer from the second module.

The first module courses (Dreams and Visions, Practical Prophetic Ministry and Prophetic Foundation) will be marked by Prophet Anne Chen, Prophet Denise Jordan, and Apostle Chaifa Berry.

Now before you freak out, let me assure you that there is a good reason for this! For the duration of your first module, your "go-to" trainers will be Principals Michael and Deborah-Anne Velthuysen. They will be taking you by the hand to get your training on track. By the time you reach the second module, they will pair you with the perfect trainer that will take you to the office. 

What DOESN'T Change!?

This section is for those that are not comfortable with change and are likely thinking way too hard at this point. Let me set your mind at ease.

Well, the first thing that will never change is our heart to see you through, pray you through, and love you through! 

1. I will continue to personally mark the final project of each of your courses. 

2. Tuesday Class remains the same. Although we are taking this opportunity to use our Tuesday class to preach the third module, we will often change things up and have some of your other trainers take a turn to lecture.

3. Class connects remain the same! 

Expect to hear from your trainers ever 5 weeks. Those who are in the first module will hold class connects sessions with Principals Michael and Deborah-Anne Velthuysen.

4. Shipping of materials. Whether you are in the first or third module, materials will continue to be shipped to you at their allocated time.

We are in the process of creating the manuals for the third module and by the time the first course is finished being taught, the manual will also be ready for publication. 

5. Interviews for new applicants. We continue to interview those who pass the application process.

6. Live class in South Africa and San Diego continues as normal every Tuesday.

*PSSSSST... lookout for an announcement of a new trainer and a new live class being born in Zurich, Switzerland! (Just a little tidbit there!).*
Remember, you will be personally contacted concerning what these changes mean for your specific training progress. If you have any other questions, please do write, call in, or post a message to the WhatsApp group.

I am counting on you guys a lot as we make this transition. I recognize that there will be bugs. I am well aware that changes like this take time for everyone to get and I am prepared for some all-nighters as we get this going.

So please, get our backs, would you? Pray us through, let us know if we missed something and above all continue to march alongside us as we take this world for Jesus!
Love you tons,

Colette Toach
Your O.G. Original Principal, Apostle, Mom, and recently, a Rockin' Lita (My grandmom name)!
Phone: +1 (858) 800-2205
Hours: 9am-5pm, Tuesday - Friday (PST)
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