Facing The "Worst Case Scenario!"

The AMI Prophetic School

Presents: "Prophetic Realities"

Facing The "Worst Case Scenario!"

By: Michael and Deborah-Anne Velthuysen - Prophetic School Principals

Warning: #PropheticRantInProgress

There is nothing more terrifying than being confronted with your worst fears made manifest in your circumstances. No matter what it is, maybe it is your health, maybe it is your finances or drama in your marriage, we each have these moments where we are faced with those things we desperately hope will not happen - “the worst-case scenario” However, when you are confronted with that worst-case scenario, how do you react? What do you say or do at that moment? That is what defines you as a person, but more importantly, as a prophet.

At that moment it is so easy to give in to the circumstances around you, to allow that whirlwind of drama, facts, and proof to dictate what you do, and yet, was it not in the middle of the storm where Jesus found His rest?

Listen, the devil is a lier, he cannot tell the truth to save his own skin, so when you see that “worst-case scenario” unfolding before you, and it is so real, in your face and inescapable, do you really think that is all there is to the storm before you?

No, it certainly is not because all you need is to realize the answer to overcoming that storm is right beside you, in the boat with you... Jesus is not afraid. He is not shaken, and He is very much ready to take you by the hand to guide you through that process.

Yes, there may be warfare, and you will need to pick up your sword and combat it, however, before you can do that you need to get your eyes and your faith in line first - you need to stop focusing on the storm before you and focus on the promise God has given you, no matter how impossible or silly it may look in comparison to that raging storm
Once you get your eyes on the target you can face your fear, you can look the enemy in the eye, and then you can look past him to the promise ahead. Look, I will be real here, it is not easy - you will probably need some help, and someone to give you a bit of jump start towards overcoming, however, by getting your focus right half the battle is already won.

The enemy is no longer in control when you stop believing his lies, and you start ignoring his smoke screens of wind, waves, and rain. Just like that, he has lost the bulk of his hold over you, and now you can use your sword to take ahold of the promise God has for you!

With Much Joy and Blessing,
Have questions? Comments? Give us a call!

Michael & Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
Prophetic School Principals
Phone: +1 (858) 800-2205
Email: admin@mypropheticschool.com
Hours: 9am-5pm, Tuesday - Friday (PST)
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