Your Relationship with Jesus is Built on Pictures!

Growing up, I had this picture bible I would steal from my uncle and read over and over again until my parents bought me my own book, and even though I could not read the words, I always had two favorite books of the bible, the book of Job and of Esther. I knew what these stories were about because my father would often have the bible wordplay playing during the day or evenings as we fell asleep, so I had heard it many times, but I wanted to know these stories myself.

So. one day I took my picture bible, pulled out my little whiteboard, grabbed my erasable marker, and opened my bible to the book of Esther - specifically where she visits the king to invite him to dinner - using the limited bit of understanding of how letters sounded individually, I started copying the words I read in my bible onto my whiteboard, sounding out every “sss” and “aaa” sound faithfully… then, strangely enough, other sounds started bubbling up from my spirit, the “th” and “st” sounds and then “oo” and “ee” - and as I wrote those words on my board, I began to say those sounds aloud, until I realized I was saying whole words and sentences! I could finally read the story of Esther and Job on my own!

Since then, you will never find me without a book in hand or reading something! That day, the Lord spoke to me and He showed me how much He loves to teach His children, to gift them the ability to know Him, His voice, and His Character.

So, prophets, today I want to encourage you that even if you only have the ability to say “aa” or “st”, reach out to Jesus with your limited way of speaking to Him, desire more and ask for more, and He will indeed answer you and give you more.

Begin by taking some quiet time to sing in tongues or pick up your favorite bible story (story, not verses). As you sit to read that story, picture every scene - how did Esther look walking towards the king? Were her hands shaking? - as you do this, I want you to ask Jesus what He thinks, and listen for His answers, look for the pictures or impressions He drops in your spirit.

As you master this, you can begin to do the same thing in your prayer times and gradually build-up to the more “advanced” stuff!

There is more to your relationship with Jesus than you realize, and do not rush this process or try and compare yourself to all the other “prophets” out there, your relationship with Jesus is unique to you alone - so enjoy it and grow with Jesus!

Learn to speak like Jesus and become eloquent in your prophetic voice. Apostle Craig Toach gives you a fireproof project that is guaranteed to take your prophetic ministry to the next level. Jump into this podcast. #NextGenProphet!

Prophetic Blitz: How to Build Your Prophetic Voice (Ep. 34)

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Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.

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