Leadership Truths That Will Take you Everywhere in Life

I stand in a unique position as the prophetic school principal alongside my husband. Not only am I a leader of a ministry, working with many different team members and sheep, but I am also a team member submitted under my Apostle and his vision. Because of this place the Lord has positioned me I have learned some interesting principles in working with and as a leader.

Here is what I have learned so far, a good leader wants to cover every member of their team. Just as David took care of His father’s sheep, it is that very shepherds heart within a leader that will remove any obstacle in the way of their team and protect them from any distractions that will put them in danger. They will also position you to learn, succeed and flourish.

On the other end, this can come across as “stifling”, “restricting” or even “controlling” for a team member who does not know better. That protective shepherd will seem like a bad guy not wanting you to do what you want or say what you feel, but will instead instruct you or tell you where you can and cannot speak… I cherish this part of my Apostle because he did not restrict my fire by doing this, but rather, he refined it to make it that much more deadly so when I do say what I feel according to his pattern, it has a much larger and longer lasting impact.

Another thing that may seem discouraging is the fact that you have your own ministry and your leader is not interested in “seeing it succeed”, and rightly so, their job is not to cover your ministry, but to cover you so that YOU can cover your sheep. So your leader may challenge you, and have you set aside your passions for a while to focus on the vision God has given him… Prophets, be excited and do not knock such situations because God is about to impart a greater anointing that will help your ministry flourish as you come in line with your leader’s vision!

So, here are some simple steps to start applying what I have shared above and to begin working on this relationship with your leader (these points can be applied to your boss in the workplace or any “working” environment):

  1. Write down the last five instructions your leader/boss has given you, and take note of how many of them you completed in time, according to his vision and instruction without you adding your own ideas.

    Note: By completing instruction or task according to the vision and step given by your leader, you show you are reliable in getting the job done.

  2. Write down what your leader/boss has told you his vision for the ministry or business is, and find out what is expected of you to help fulfil that vision - what is your part to play? (This shows them you are serious about working with him)

  3. Finally, come ups with three practical things you can do each week to contribute towards their vision, and by “practical” I mean financially, with time, effort. skill and etc

You are positioned to be a Next Gen Influencer in a way it has never been done before. So tap into the 3 secrets that make you a master disciple and recognize how you can powerfully influence the church. Jump into this episode with Apostle Colette Toach. Dive into this podcast. #NextGenProphet!

The Next Gen Influencer - Become a Master Disciple (Ep. 26)

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Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.


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