5 Symptoms You Might Not Be Crazy, Just a Prophet!

Prophets are very sensitive to other people’s emotions and spirit by nature. It is also very easy for us to get lost in our own world and see pictures… now before you point out that a lot of people are like that, let me explain what I am talking about.

Michael Toach - Coolest Teacher and Baby Brother a Girl can Have!

Michael Toach - Coolest Teacher and Baby Brother a Girl can Have!

My little brother is a teacher child, and he is brilliant at math, but the one thing that came hard to him was reading and explaining stories. No matter how many times I tried to explain and show him what it meant to imagine something or see a vision, he just could not get it! Eventually, I got very frustrated one day and went to my younger sister who is also a teacher, and is also a graphics designer - she has no problems with getting visions and pictures!

I expressed how frustrated I was and how our brother was being so weird and asked what I was doing wrong. He turned to me and said, “well, you keep expecting him to be a prophetic child like you were. I had the same problem growing up. I was just embarrassed because I grew up in a family of prophets and did not ‘just see’ a vision, I had to learn by picturing the word”

Blew. My. Mind. All this time I thought it was normal to just see pictures and visions everywhere I went, and to “feel” what others were feeling, but I then spoke to other people who were not prophets and sure enough, this was a pattern that repeated itself.

Prophets, you are especially sensitive to the world around you because God has given you eyes to see, to be the lighthouse that stands alone on the cliff’s edge so you can direct people away from the sharp rocks that will cut them and save them from drowning. Our brains are wired to sense Jesus wherever we go and to distinguish His sweet presence from the vulgar stench of satan.

So, here are some of the “sensory” signs that you are not actually a crazy person, your brain is just wired to sense Jesus and protect His church:

  1. When you study or read something, you find it is easier to picture what you are reading and how to apply it

  2. You get impressions of pictures in your spirit or mind whenever you speak to someone about a problem they are facing

  3. You may also start seeing bible stories, allegories or certain situations when hearing about them

  4. You “feel” what others feel, even strangers you pass by on the street - you may not even be aware of it, you just suddenly start bawling or laughing!

  5. You can sense when someone has the presence of Jesus by the sweet fragrance of peace and love of Christ, or of the presence of the enemy, by the irritation or heaviness in your stomach or head

These are just a few of the symptoms you can display because you are so sensitive to the Spirit of the Lord and of those around you. So no, you are not crazy - you just might be a prophet and you are especially wired to be able to reach the brokenhearted and set the captives free!




Position: Prophetic School Co-Principal, Trainer, "Mrs. I don't always have the answer but Jesus does!"

Strengths: Faith in everyone with a call, BOLDNESS!

Weakness: Tendency to get the "troubled ones" in her prophetic school

Description: If anyone was going to spearhead a prophetic movement it would be this woman right here! Having done just about everything you can do right and wrong in your prophetic training, Deborah uses this experience and hard-earned anointing to raise up prophets to the prophetic office. There is always hope for anyone who starts their prophetic training! She will bite like a bulldog and hold on tightly until the Lord Himself tells her to let go! 

Working alongside her husband they stand as equals raising a generation of prophets who are going to build the kingdom of God, tear down the works of the enemy, and bring the bride of Christ into a face-to-face relationship with Jesus. Look out devil because these prophets are coming for you and they will not be stopped!

Check out our latest podcast below:


Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.


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