New Years Word for 2022

It's clear that COVID has forever changed the world as we know it and it is not leaving any time soon. We have seen the upheaval it has caused in churches and the way they hold meetings. We have seen the rise of the zoom church meetings. We have all cried out, “Lord, what are the next steps? Something has to change!”

Yet, in these last two years, like never before, we have seen a greater awareness of the Lord. Jesus is the answer to all our needs and in our darkest times, His light shines the brightest. Online churches have opened the door for many to explore their faith deeper and find places to worship the Lord tailored to their calling and needs. We have seen how churches have streamlined their meetings giving Jesus more place to minister to the needs of His bride.

The signs are there for a new worldwide move of God, but the question you need to ask yourself is: Will you be ready when it comes?

In a time of prayer and preparation for our New Year's meeting for 2022, the Lord gave me this word to share with you. As you read it, I pray it ignites the fire in you to take your place and prepare yourself for what is to come! You have an important part to play in this process.

"A new style of church is rising from the ashes of what has happened in the world over the last two years. A church leaner and more dedicated to Me. Through the restrictions put on them, many churches had to re-evaluate, and the unnecessary programs and structures have been removed. Now My people can get what they need... Me. My people do not need flashing lights and smoke machines, they need the anointing and an encounter with Me. I am the only one who can give them the healing and hope they need. That is why I will continue to remove the filters and blockages that prevent Me from reaching My people in My church.

In this next year, I will raise up My NextGen fivefold ministers to take their place. They have a heart for Me and want to see My will released on this earth. They want to see the hurt and the lost come back to Me. They desire a church that is a bride without spot and wrinkle. These ministers won't care where they have to go to achieve this. They will find unorthodox places to reach those in need to minister to them and give them a place to belong and feel safe.

In the past, My people had to seek out churches to go to, but now, I will bring Myself to them. They will find Me everywhere, even in their everyday lives, because it’s in the streets and marketplaces where they need Me the most. The hurt and lost do not seek out the beautiful structures for help. Many feel guilty and not worthy and so shy away, never getting the help they need. When I walked the earth, I came to the sick and hurting where they lived and worked. I instructed My disciples to do the same. This pattern formed a body of believers going from home to home fellowshipping with miracles following. This new breed of NextGen fivefold minister is going to achieve this for Me. They will pick up the baton again and return to My original pattern: A church ready to minister and help, in season and out, no matter the place or situation.

I am also breaking down the walls that have kept My body apart. Man-made doctrines and ideas have built so many walls in My body. A body is only healthy when it is whole and functioning correctly. I am going to remove these blockages so that true unity can be found. This will not happen by letting go of what they believe or making one submit under another; rather, through mutual respect and understanding that all are called and commissioned by Me.

Only when My generals and leaders understand that, will My kingdom expand across the earth. What works in one region and its people will not work in another. That is why I need diversity so that each can be effective in the battles and building of their part of My kingdom. I do not need them to understand the whole picture, I only need them to be true to their part and trust in Me to carry out the greater plan. When the time comes, it will all dovetail and it will be made known why it had to be that way. With this type of body in unity at My disposal, there is nothing I cannot achieve.

Arise, My beloved, and come to take your place of honor and let’s take this world for Me and make it the land I have promised you."

Happy New Year! I speak the Lord's wisdom over you. Let it be a lighthouse in the darkness leading you in the direction the Lord has for you.

Much love and blessing,

Craig Toach


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