Obedience Unlocks Your Prophetic Potential, Here's How!

Prophet, you have the best secret weapon to overcoming any problem in your life - your ability to hear God’s voice, and in turn His instruction.

By taking time every day to seek the Lord to ask Him for his instruction or will for your life and then take time to actually listen to what He has to say you will receive obedience. Obedience is a continual instruction that will be added onto and expanded upon as you apply each step of the direction God has given you.

Today’s blog is all about the five ways God will give and confirm His obedience to you, and how with will expand your ability to minister as His prophet.

The first way God will give and confirm His obedience is through the Word of God. Perhaps one of the best examples was a story I read of a Pastor who was called to minister to the violent gangs of New York City. As one can imagine he was a little hesitant to take on this task so he sat back, picked up his bible, and asked the Lord for confirmation that this mission really was of Him. He then randomly opened his bible and began to read the first passage his eyes landed on… lo and behold it was a passage describing one who is called and how God would cover and protect Him.

This pastor had his answer, and so this pastor went out to do the word God has called him to do and made a huge impact on the communities and gangs he worked with.

When God gives an instruction or obedience through His word it is not something you expected to read or went in with the intention of finding. Rather, God makes it very clear and precise. There will be no “oh I think God is speaking to me”, you will know God has spoken and you will know what He is speaking to you about.

The second way you will receive that obedience is through a dream.

Sometimes our daily lives are so full of God needs to get a clear word to you without you adding to it, and so He will wait for you to fall asleep. From there He will speak to you and make his word clear just as He did for Jacob in Genisis 31:11-13:

“Then the Angel of God spoke to me in a dream, saying, ‘Jacob.’ And I said, ‘Here I am.’ And He said, ‘Lift your eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted; for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you. I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family.’ ”

God will also use symbols you are familiar with to get His message across such as family members, spouses, cars, buildings, and other such symbols. To learn more on how to interpret your dreams and understand when God is giving you an instruction, check out the book, "The Way of Dreams and Visions here: https://www.toach-ministries.com/store/the-way-of-dreams-and-visions

God will also speak to you during your times of journaling. I personally prefer receiving instruction in this way because it is it writing and I can refer back to it again and again. This is when you take time to type or write out all of your questions or thoughts in a word document (or notebook if you prefer). You then quiet your spirit and allow the Lord to speak uninterrupted so He can answer all of your questions and give you direction concerning your life.

Finally, He will give you obedience through a teaching or direct instruction from your pastor or Apostle

These last two points are a bit more challenging for some prophets because it requires trusting the Lord to speak through someone else instead of speaking to you directly. As a prophet, I pride myself in the ability to hear the voice of God, and I will often get a word or revelation for others, I will even be the voice of confirmation to others of God’s obedience for them.

However, this is also one of the most common ways God will confirm or give a word to His prophet because we are not meant to save the world alone. So You will be listening to a message that convicts you or confirms the journal you just had where God told you He needs you to teach others how to hear His voice, and then your pastor or apostle will come to you and give you the Job of cleaning the toilets…. “Wait what!? What does that have to do with my training and teaching people!? Shouldn’t I be upfront preaching?”

Not necessarily, in fact, a lot of real ministry encounters with the Lord can be found in the bathroom. There was one such church we visited that had their own “bathroom prophet” and while everyone else was doing praise and worship or “hallelujah-ing” the preacher’s sermon, this prophet was in the bathroom praying over them toilets and then over anyone else who came into that bathroom. I tell you, healing was taking place and spiritual breakthroughs were happening left and right just because this prophet was positioned in the one place everyone could fall apart and be vulnerable.

So, prophet, get your obedience straight by seeking the Lord daily and then seek Him for confirmation. Allow God to position you in the places that will have the most impact and be obedient to His instruction when He does because you will find that your full prophetic potential is truly unlocked when walking in those simple steps of obedience.

For more personal training or counsel for your prophetic call join us for our open house prophetic school masterclass session on February 15th at 9am (PST). Save your spot using this link here: https://global-ministry-resources.networkforgood.com/events/38329-visions-in-ministry

Have questions about this blog or your prophetic call? Give me a ring or send me an email!


PHONE: +1 (858) 722-4198
EMAIL: admin@mypropheticschool.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/DAVelthuysen/

Position: Mother, Prophetic School Co-Principal, Prophet in Office, and Trainer

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
comes from a long line of pastors and ministers and is also Apostles Craig & Colette Toach’s eldest daughter (Toach-Ministries.com). She is a mother to her son (David) and the co-principal of the AMI Prophetic School alongside her husband, Michael Velthuysen. Having trained up many prophets, Deborah specializes in training up prophetic leaders in the body of Christ - the trainers of prophets - and is one of the main content writers for the AMI Prophetic School.

Check out our latest podcast below:

Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.


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