Grow the Frequency of Visions & Minister the Love of Jesus

As a prophetic child I had a very active imagination. Whether it was unicorns and rainbows or discovering my “supernatural abilities” while playing superhero academy with my sisters, the sky was the limit. However, what made me the most excited as a little girl was when my mother told me that Jesus spoke to me in pictures using my “imagination.”

I was thrilled at the idea that Jesus wanted to talk to me, and so I had her teach me everything there was about this cool gift called visions just so I could learn how to talk with my Jesus. Years past and I began to develop my prophetic calling. At this point in time I learned of another powerful use for visions: ministry.

Throughout my prophetic training in the prophetic school my trainer taught me how to master the use of visions in every aspect of my life, but they helped me to specialize in the use of visions when ministering to others! By the end of this blog, not only will you be flowing in visions, but you will also be able to teach to your children (or anyone else) how to get and use visions!

What is a Vision?

Putting it very simply, a vision is a picture from God expressed through your spirit. Imagine God taking a picture of something and then uploading that picture to your mind using a data stream - that would be your spirit. You just have to accept that data transfer, and voila! the picture pops up on your device’s screen!

In fact, visions are so easy, the people who get and flow in visions the most are usually children because they do not overthink the whole data stream thing. They just accept the picture and express it aloud without trying to deeply interpret its meaning.

Visions are also available to you at any given time. The ability to hear God through visions is not a rare thing, or more precisely, should not be a rare occasion.

What Does a Vision Look Like?

Genesis 15:1: “After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”"

When I first started training prophets, I would ask them if they had ever received a vision. I was most often told that they only ever received a handful of visions in their lifetime.

When I asked these people to describe those few visions to me it was usually this very clear, full colored picture that enticed all five of their senses. Imagine their surprise when I told them that was not a normal vision, and most visions are much simpler than that.

You see, most people expect a 4k HD image when you talk about visions. Something majestic, supernatural, and perhaps even kind of theatrical. However, a vision is truly just an impression from your spirit. It could even be an outline or silhouette of something at first.

I often get a simple impression of a picture. I will feel the picture before I see it. I get an impression of water, and as I take a moment to contemplate that impression, the picture will grow until I see the water, and then I will see it being poured from a jug into a tub, and so on and so forth… and just like that, I had a vision.

Sometimes a vision will only be one object. Maybe you are praying for someone and all you see is their mom or their favorite vase. That is a vision! If you have been having those impressions or seeing those kinds of pictures all along, congratulations! You have been flowing in visions this whole time!

Grow Your Vision Frequency and Minister the Love of Jesus

  • Step one: Take some time to empty your mind. You can do this by speaking in tongues for a bit to tap into your spirit and cut through your mind.

  • Step two: Pay attention to the impressions you are getting in your spirit. Let them wash over you and pick out the one that repeats itself.

  • Step three: Focus on that impression and allow the Lord to reveal the image to you bit by bit. Continue to speak in tongues while you do this.

  • Step four: Share the visions aloud either as a word of prophecy or as is to the person you are praying for.

  • Step five: Practice this technique at least once to twice a day.

These steps can be applied to any ministry situation, prayer time or even speaking engagement. Especially if you are prophetic, you will get visions with everyone you talk to because your spirit is very active.

Go Deeper

Now, like my own mentors in the prophetic school, I want to help you master this gift at your disposal and specialize in the art of using visions in personal ministry or to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus.

To do this, my husband (and co-principal) and I have put together an open house prophetic school master class on using visions in ministry. This event has been designed just for you. So, come and take advantage and allow me (and our team of prophets) to make you into a master of your craft.

Now, below are some very important details, so, keep them safe!

  • Date: 15th February

  • Time: 9am PST

  • Zoom Link: LINK HERE

  • Theme: Using Visions in Ministry

  • Speakers: Principals and NextGen Prophets

Since this is an open house event, feel free to invite any friends or family you believe God is also calling to master this craft. Let’s raise the bar on prophetic ministry and visions in the church by utilizing the full capacity of your God-given abilities.

For more information or if you are looking for that trusted zoom link... Here is where you can find it: Come and join Apostles Craig and Colette Toach as well as the NextGen Prophets. This is where we connect and fellowship, so come get connected!

Have questions about this blog or your prophetic call? Give me a ring or send me an email!


PHONE: +1 (858) 722-4198

Position: Mother, Prophetic School Co-Principal, Prophet in Office, and Trainer

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
comes from a long line of pastors and ministers and is also Apostles Craig & Colette Toach’s eldest daughter ( She is a mother to her son (David) and the co-principal of the AMI Prophetic School alongside her husband, Michael Velthuysen. Having trained up many prophets, Deborah specializes in training up prophetic leaders in the body of Christ - the trainers of prophets - and is one of the main content writers for the AMI Prophetic School.

Check out our latest podcast below:

Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.

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