Dealing With Demons & Demonic Manifestations


One of my first demon manifestations happened over a phone call. I had taken a ministry call with a fellow minister, and the woman wanted prayer about a major curse of infirmity in her life. So, we asked her to go ahead and submit herself to the Lord, to take back the license she gave the enemy, and then give Jesus that license in her life.

It started off pretty normal. She was praying, rebuking the devil, but then she started praying in tongues. At first, nothing was odd, but then she kept praying in tongues. She kept going until it seemed almost frantic, uncontrollable, and she did not really respond to anything we were saying! Shocked, I muted my phone and turned to my ministry partner and asked, "Umm... I think she is manifesting right now?" My ministry partner looked back at me, and mouthed, "I think you’re right!"

At that moment, I started to feel rather overwhelmed. This was my first demon manifestation, I was the lead minister and my brain had gone blank! I started praying in tongues and binding the demon, but then the Holy Spirit reminded me about what I had just read in Apostle Colette's book, The Minister's Handbook, about handling demon manifestations. The key was to stay at peace, stand in your authority, and bypass the demon!

So, taking a moment to come to peace, I stood tall, phone firmly placed against my cheek, and I spoke as firmly and as clearly as I could (the woman still on her tangent), by first calling her by name and then saying, "Right now, these tongues are not of the Lord. This is a demon manifesting because he does not want you to get the healing and deliverance you need. You need to take authority over him and come to peace now."

Just like that, she snapped out of it and we could lead her through the rest of the ministry call without any issues. On that ministry call, I learned the power of ignoring demons and not giving them my attention. I learned that I had the power to trample over them, and they were not worthy of my attention. They could bow before my God and get out of my way. I had a job to do and I did not have the liberty of time to give them the headspace I needed to build God's church!

Prophet, you have a job to do! Don't let the enemy distract you with his warfare or demons any longer. They have no power over you unless you give it to them by giving them your attention. So, let's get on with our lives, bind the demon in the spirit, ignore him, and move on! He can't do anything about it.

Even the apostles ignored the girl with a spirit of divination until she became too much of a distraction, then all they did was tell it to be quiet and got on with the work Christ had commissioned them to do.

Stand in your authority, stand in your position of royalty, and together, build the kingdom God has given you to establish alongside your apostles, pastors, team leaders, and battle buddies waiting for you to finish off the foot soldier taking up your time.

To learn more about removing those “demonic” distractions and putting the devil under your foot, submit an application to our prophetic school below.



Position: Prophetic School Co-Principal, Trainer, "Mrs. I don't always have the answer but Jesus does!"

Strengths: Faith in everyone with a call, BOLDNESS!

Weakness: Tendency to get the "troubled ones" in her prophetic school

Description: If anyone was going to spearhead a prophetic movement it would be this woman right here! Having done just about everything you can do right and wrong in your prophetic training, Deborah uses this experience and hard-earned anointing to raise up prophets to the prophetic office. There is always hope for anyone who starts their prophetic training! She will bite like a bulldog and hold on tightly until the Lord Himself tells her to let go! 

Working alongside her husband they stand as equals raising a generation of prophets who are going to build the kingdom of God, tear down the works of the enemy, and bring the bride of Christ into a face-to-face relationship with Jesus. Look out devil because these prophets are coming for you and they will not be stopped!

Check out our latest podcast below:

Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.

Transition From Church Prophet to God's Prophet


Everything You Need to Know About Next level Spiritual Warfare