Transition From Church Prophet to God's Prophet


I grew up in a house full of prophets, and as a child I was especially encouraged to share any word or vision God gave me. Prophecy and visions were my jam. I could prophesy and give a revelation like a pro by the time I hit my teens, but it was not until I transitioned into my prophetic training that I really learned what it meant to be a prophet.

This happened shortly after my fourteenth birthday when my father, Apostle Craig Toach, prayed over me and the Lord had him release me into prophetic training. I started helping out in our fivefold school, answering admin and some projects here and there. There was one woman in particular, I ended up working with quite a bit, and she started to look up to me as a spiritual mother in her life… Sufficiently creeped out that a woman 20+ years my senior saw me as a spiritual mom, I went to my mother, Apostle Colette, who was training me at the time, and asked her what to do.

I told her, “This is unacceptable! I should correct her and let her know I am not her spiritual mother.” My trainer looked at me and said, “But, that is the role you will take on as a prophet. You will become a surrogate for others to relate to so you can teach them how to have a relationship with the Lord and then help them transition to leaning on Him for every need!”

This blew my mind. I never knew that being called to be a prophet was more than prophecy, dream interpretation, and every other gift of the Spirit. A new world opened before me and my prophetic journey began from being a church prophet who could motivate, encourage, prophecy, and flow in all the gifts, to God’s prophet who would build, equip, and establish His church for generations to come.


A transition is taking place in the church today. Prophets are no longer expected to just give the word, but they are expected to stand as examples and help lead the church into the future. Prophet of God, you are called, you are chosen, and it is time to go through this transition of your character and become the surrogate parent who will teach the church about their heavenly Father and how to have a relationship with Him. Just as a mother must one day hand her child over to her husband so he can teach them how to fulfill the next leg of their life’s journey, so we too must learn to do the same.

The church is lacking in surrogates who are brave enough to take up the challenge, and so I call to you, dear prophet: take up the challenge, come and introduce the bride to her bridegroom by going through your prophetic training today.

See how we can help you with this transition by sending us an application using the button below.



Position: Prophetic School Co-Principal, Trainer, "Mrs. I don't always have the answer but Jesus does!"

Strengths: Faith in everyone with a call, BOLDNESS!

Weakness: Tendency to get the "troubled ones" in her prophetic school

Description: If anyone was going to spearhead a prophetic movement it would be this woman right here! Having done just about everything you can do right and wrong in your prophetic training, Deborah uses this experience and hard-earned anointing to raise up prophets to the prophetic office. There is always hope for anyone who starts their prophetic training! She will bite like a bulldog and hold on tightly until the Lord Himself tells her to let go! 

Working alongside her husband they stand as equals raising a generation of prophets who are going to build the kingdom of God, tear down the works of the enemy, and bring the bride of Christ into a face-to-face relationship with Jesus. Look out devil because these prophets are coming for you and they will not be stopped!

Check out our latest podcast below:

Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.

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