How I Encountered Jesus in a Car Wreck on My Way to Legoland!

There I was, cruising down the highway as I followed my father in our three-car convoy to a sunny summer day at Legoland, with our entire family. Music was blaring, my husband, sister, and her fiance at the time were all jamming to Toby Mac as we discussed all we wanted to do that day, drooling after the amazing cheesy Jalapeno bread we would eat for lunch.


It was shaping up to be an amazing day, and one to remember. Suddenly a plumber’s van tried to cut into our lane at the last minute! The only problem was, the driver had misjudged the distance between our car and the car in front of him and ended up nicking the front end of our Jeep! Next thing I know we are swerving in the lanes, with cars screeching as they come to a grinding stop. Just as I get the car under control we hit the gravel of a dip on the side of the freeway.

As I child, I loved to fly - my first plane ride was at two years old, but this was a new experience. As the car flipped I knew at that moment I could do nothing. I had no control of when, where, or how we would fall or roll, so I did the only thing I could do… I relaxed my body, closed my eyes, and allowed Jesus to take control of the situation. At that moment, as the car rolled twice, jalapeno breads flying about my head, and my tea clinging to my hair for dear life, I had never experienced such peace in my life! At that moment, I knew, with 100% certainty, God was in control and He was at the driver’s wheel.

What should have been the most terrifying and traumatizing experience of my life, was actually one of my most intimate of encounters with Jesus. We walked away from that wreck with barely a scratch (just a few bumps and bruises) and continued our day at Legoland. We ate ice cream, sweets and enjoyed the most amazing day as a family in the warm summer sun.

The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy our joy, but the joy of the Lord is our strength. It is not something that is understood by this world or man. It is something only the Lord can give or take away, and He is one who wants us to enjoy this life He has given us abundantly. So, He is not taking that joy away from us in a hurry.

That day I learned the enemy will try to attack. He will try to exploit every open door or curse in your life, but he cannot touch the armor of the Lord Most High when we step behind it. So, stand in the armor of Christ today, Child of God. Do not let the enemy steal your faith, your hope, or your joy. For it is by choosing to let go, and stand in those weapons of warfare, that you will truly grasp the power of being a child of the King.

Our authority does not come from our own strength, but the strength of Christ Jesus alone. He is our Redeemer who delights in covering, protecting, and looking out for us no matter the attack of the enemy.




Position: Prophetic School Co-Principal, Trainer, "Mrs. I don't always have the answer but Jesus does!"

Strengths: Faith in everyone with a call, BOLDNESS!

Weakness: Tendency to get the "troubled ones" in her prophetic school

Description: If anyone was going to spearhead a prophetic movement it would be this woman right here! Having done just about everything you can do right and wrong in your prophetic training, Deborah uses this experience and hard-earned anointing to raise up prophets to the prophetic office. There is always hope for anyone who starts their prophetic training! She will bite like a bulldog and hold on tightly until the Lord Himself tells her to let go! 

Working alongside her husband they stand as equals raising a generation of prophets who are going to build the kingdom of God, tear down the works of the enemy, and bring the bride of Christ into a face-to-face relationship with Jesus. Look out devil because these prophets are coming for you and they will not be stopped!

Check out our latest podcast below:

Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.

Jesus Has a Secret Message Hidden in Your Scary Dream!


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