How to Overcome Your Saul

Before we begin, I want to ask you a question: Who is your Saul? What are some things they say or do that have solidified them as such in your life? Take a moment to write down your answer or ponder on this question as I jump into a very important story. In this blog, I will unlock the secret to overcoming your Saul and becoming the David you were always meant to be.

With that being said, let me tell you the story of a young man. He was very handsome, tall, and in the process of learning how to be a man and how to take care of his family from his own father. One day, the father lost some very precious livestock, and so he called his son to him and tasked him with going out to find the livestock. The young man and his servant looked high and low for these animals, but alas, nothing was to be found.

Tired and a little disheartened, the young man decided it was best to return home before his father forgot about his precious livestock and started to worry about them becoming lost instead. However, his servant encouraged him to rather seek out a seer who was nearby and might have the answers of where to look. Little did this young man know that God was about to move upon him in a mighty way. Through this encounter, God went through a process of confirming and anointing Saul as His king over all of Israel.

From this time forward, Saul moved mightily in the power of God. He prophesied, received visions, and even made sure the people obeyed God’s structure. He won many territories and victories on behalf of God and His people. A young man, thrust into a position he was not prepared for, created by man, but ordained by God for the task at hand.

We know what happens from this point in the story, right? Saul messes up and does a sacrifice incorrectly, God leaves Saul and we encounter David the shepherd boy. David and Saul build a good relationship and Saul leans on David heavily to help him combat the tormenting spirits that plagued him day and night. Now, I want to ask you another question: Hearing this story of Saul’s journey, why do you think he turned on David as he did?

How much pressure and expectation do you think the people placed on Saul to be their picture and ideal of a perfect king? What weight must that have bared upon his shoulders!

When it comes to working with your Saul, there is one weakness you must always remember: He was anointed by God for that position. If you want to change your Saul, you must first change your perspective of him. You see him as the Saul of today who is throwing spears and hurling insults, but you overlook the Saul who was put in a position he was not ready for, ruling over an unruly, disobedient Israel to the best of his abilities.

Once you see this side of him, you can bring change as David did. He took his conflict to God as often as He could. He stood in his grace and anointing by bringing peace to Saul’s spirit whenever he was around. By showing the honor and respect due to Saul's position as God’s anointed and King over Israel, God was able to train David to become the king He needed to lead His people after Saul’s task was complete.

Change came by David getting out of the way, and serving Saul according to His grace and God’s kingly structure. David never raised a hand against Saul and stood against any slander of God’s anointed. Instead, he honored Saul for who God had anointed him to be and in doing so brought life to barren ground.

So, in the conclusion of this blog, let’s go back to your Saul. Take an honest look at him and the position he holds, as well as the expectations people have placed on him.

  1. Why does he still hold that position despite the negative side you see in him?

  2. What did God anoint him to do?

  3. What is your part to play in his courts?

Like for David, a time will come when Saul will chase you from his courts. But, until then, bring the change God has placed you in that court to bring, and develop your own grace and leadership skills through learning how to serve your Saul. David was one of the greatest kings Israel ever had because of what he went through with Saul, and so God is raising you to be such a leader as well.

Have questions about this blog or your prophetic call? Give me a ring or send me an email!


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Position: Mother, Prophetic School Co-Principal, Prophet in Office, and Trainer

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
comes from a long line of pastors and ministers and is also Apostles Craig & Colette Toach’s eldest daughter ( She is a mother to her son (David) and the co-principal of the AMI Prophetic School alongside her husband, Michael Velthuysen. Having trained up many prophets, Deborah specializes in training up prophetic leaders in the body of Christ - the trainers of prophets - and is one of the main content writers for the AMI Prophetic School.

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Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.

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