Why the Prophet Needs Someone in Their Corner


My idea of sisterhood was sorority in college and what I learnt from the world... you know the kind where they have a pact and nothing can pull them apart, secrets are shared, and some other weird stuff is happening. So, when I heard about the sisterhood in my class connect, I was apprehensive at first because of my previous negative interaction with other females. Little did I know that God was going to smash that image to bits.

This band of sisters have been a tower of strength and let me tell you, they are not afraid to get in your face, encourage you, and pray with you. This past week they really got up in my corner and I felt my flesh sizzle. Whether it felt good or not, I had to face my reality and learn to be vulnerable and be influenced. I have learnt to be vulnerable as they went to rooms I have held off limits for a long time. I sat under the weight of their revelation before the Lord and my heart gave way as I processed what was said. I am really glad that I have a sisterhood who has my back. After getting to know my band of sisters I am convinced that as prophets we really need someone in our corner.

As prophets, we have learned to be loners, attending to our wounds with a bowl of ice cream (famous words of Apostle Colette) because our foot-in-mouth-disease sprang up again. We stand wild-eyed and shaking hysterically giving a word from God. No one could ever understand us and we're always the outcast. With bruised ego, we walk around with our grand revelation and a chip on our shoulder.


Today’s prophet is so different; we have finally gotten the apostles' concept. When we look in the New Testament, we see a group of fivefold minsters banding together. Paul even said numerous times that he was happy to have Timothy, Titus, and others with him. We weren’t meant to be alone in ministry.

Prophets, be encouraged to know you can find your sisterhood today. You never have to be alone, and you can be influenced by your tribe. Remember, we don’t know it all. All we have is a piece of the puzzle. However, together, we are able to reach more for Jesus. Each prophet has a different grace and is able to give you a different picture that will help you gain perspective. Find a place where you are able to fellowship unfiltered and be vulnerable.

Proverbs 11:14 says: “Where there is no counsel the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (NKJV).

Ask the lord to guide you to your tribe or submit an application to our prophetic school below and connect with prophets from all over the globe where you can invest and be invested into as you grow.



Position: Currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Prophetic Ministry at the AMI Prophetic Training School and is a leader of Welfare Ministry, Jamaica

Strengths: Praise, Worship, Prophetic Decree, and Spiritual Warfare

Weakness: Stubborn, Admits to faults often and is loyal to a fault

Description: Jamaican born and bred, Jodia has graduated from many bible colleges before taking her studies further and becoming a student in the AMI Prophetic School. Currently, one of the top students of the school, when she is not working or investing in her husband, she spends most of her time building the kingdom of God through serving her church as the worship leader, working with the youth, taking care of the administration department and investing back into the prophetic school by helping other prophets find their way.

Check out our latest podcast below:

Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.


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