Why Your Prophetic Word Did Not Come to Pass!

When Michael and I got engaged, it was midway through the year, and he had to fly back home to finish his studies. By the time we could physically see each other again it was a month before Christmas and I was determined to do something special for him.

I had received a special coupon for one of my go-to jewelry stores, and then found this amazing watch for him there. It was the perfect blend of ruggedness and elegance, and so I placed my down payment on the watch. I then arranged to surprise him when I came back to pay the remainder of the amount, with the coupon.

Well, to my utter embarrassment, as I was standing with my fiancé at the checkout, I discovered I hadn’t read the fine print on the back of the coupon properly. There, in front of the whole store, I found out I couldn’t use this coupon on the watch I’d planned to give him. I walked away feeling rather embarrassed and very heartbroken because what I had promised the love of my life hadn’t come to pass.

The moral of the story... I didn’t read the fine print! Prophets, this may sound like a very random story, but how many times have you received an amazing word or promise from God, but it never came to pass?

When God gives a word we often miss the fine print that details what we must do in order for that word to come to pass. In episode 114 of the NextGen Prophets podcast, "5 Reasons Why Your Prophetic Word Did Not Come to Pass", Apostles Craig and Colette go through the list of reasons why your promise from God hasn't shown any fruit in your life.

Chief among this list was "You have not been obedient". Sometimes we forget that faith without works is dead, and we need to walk out our call in fear and trembling in order for God to be the light unto our feet.

So, prophet, read the fine print! What instruction or direction has God given you along with that promise or word? Once you know that, you can rest assured your breakthrough isn’t far behind. You’ll go home with your fiancé wearing that shiny new watch on his wrist instead of feeling embarrassed because you got the wrong memo.

For more reasons why your promise or word hasn’t come to pass go ahead and listen to the NextGen Prophets podcast, "5 Reasons Why Your Word Did Not Come to Pass" using this link or by clicking the image below: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/nextgenprophets/80eddf44-e2f9-40c2-9a3c-99bd28540944/5-Reasons-Why-Your-Prophetic-Word-Did-Not-Come-to-Pass-(Ep.-114)-

Have questions about this blog or your prophetic call? Give me a ring or send me an email!


PHONE: +1 (858) 722-4198
EMAIL: admin@mypropheticschool.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/DAVelthuysen/

Position: Mother, Prophetic School Co-Principal, Prophet in Office, and Trainer

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
comes from a long line of pastors and ministers and is also Apostles Craig & Colette Toach’s eldest daughter (Toach-Ministries.com). She is a mother to her son (David) and the co-principal of the AMI Prophetic School alongside her husband, Michael Velthuysen. Having trained up many prophets, Deborah specializes in training up prophetic leaders in the body of Christ - the trainers of prophets - and is one of the main content writers for the AMI Prophetic School.

Check out our latest podcast below:

Principal Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is the co-Principal and Trainer of the Prophetic School and as a Prophet in Office her goal is to get to know you, your individual process, and equip you to become the NextGenProphet God has called you to be.


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